I was honored to be part of that journey and my session with Catherine is featured in the book.
I hope this book helps others who have gone through loss.
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Common Questions
What should I Expect from a Reading?
The plain and simple truth is – nothing! No matter how hard you may want someone to come through, that person may not. You may be surprised by the first person who comes through. This person, however, may open the door to allow others who have crossed over come through. The outcome of the reading is impossible to predict, as Veronica cannot “summon up” those individuals you wish to reconnect with.
When Should I Try?
You should give yourself 3-6 months after a loss to get over the grief, so that you are able to come for a reading totally relaxed.
How Can Veronica Help Me?
Perhaps you have unfinished business with one who has passed over. You could be carrying the burden of having argued with the person before their death and not resolving it. Maybe you are the Executor of the will and are unsure if you handled things properly.
Will I Win the Lottery?
This is not something Veronica can predict. A Medium connects you to loved ones who have passed. First, you receive validation to the form of confirmation of what only you and your loved one would know, and secondly you receive validation that our loved ones are watching over us and share with us special events, such as birthdays and weddings.
The Person I Wish to Reconnect with Was in So Much Pain
Many people worry that on the earth plain, their loved ones were in so much pain. They worry that they will burden the person who has passed over. The wonderful thing when they pass over is that they become pain-free and vibrant. They are set free from all pain and any restrictions they had on earth.